Wednesday 20 January 2016

hello, from the working side

So I'm back at work this weekend. My shift is all day and I don't know how I'll cope not seeing my baby all day for the first time in 8 months. Don't get me wrong it will be nice to be back on my feet and getting out the house but I didn't realise how hard it would feel not being there. I'm going to sort out set shifts every week so I know where I stand with noahs nursery. How do women do this. I dint want to be a housewife, cleaning and cooking, waiting for my husband to get home but I can now see why some women prefer to do that.  My mum worked hard when we were younger so why shouldn't I.

Also I'm on a new diet. No bread, sugar, and limited cards. So basically I've eaten fish and veg most the week. Now, I'm addicted to Pepsi max buy I haven't had a bottle all week. Hopefully I can slim down a bit. I'll be tracking my progress on here.
Thanks for reading guys x

Saturday 9 January 2016

the real reality

Shows like 16 and pregnant and teen moms are infamous. We have watched the stars grow up, watched their children grow up. But here's the thing. That's not a completely realistic picture. Sometimes there's not all that drama. Sometimes it's not as easy as it's seems. Pregnancy and parenthood isn't as glamorous as it's portrayed. These girls have made some serious money doing this show and other projects (*cough cough* sex tape ). I'm not a fan of one of the girls on the original series. But one girl, caitlyn, she's the most realistic. She has had the most to go through. Not all teen moms keep their children. She's also shown to have suffered post natal depression. She should be admired for her courage. I'm sure the girls would not tell girls that being a teen parent is the best path but if it happens your choices will affect you. I wasn't a teen when I had my son. But I was only a year off. I'm still young with a lot to learn. The likes of farrah who gives her child $900 for a tooth, I mean come on. I don't even earn that in two months. That's unrealistic and we've all seen how her child acts. I'm not critiquing her parenting as she has her own way. But I know that even if I won the lottery, I would still work a few days a week and show my son that you have to work for the things you want. Not everyone can get pregnant young and become a household name. They are mostly just like us. But they have added drama from a show. Not all of us will split from our partners. Dont wish for what they have
 Everyone's journey is different. Embrace yours.

Wednesday 6 January 2016

new year changes

I only have just over 2 weeks left of my maternity leave. I'm on the fence on how I'm feeling. In a way I can't wait as it means I'm not stuck at home and can keep busy but I know it's going to be so hard to leave noah for the day. I'm only back for 3 days a week but it's going to be so strange. The good news is that I turned 21 whilst I've been off so I get a slight pay rise as well. Had to go and buy new uniform as mine was maternity and too big now.
It's been a while since I had the time to write so there's a lot happening. Noah slept so well while we were away but we got back and he's back to normal. Although he's so much better with his food now. He will have the whole bowl and still want more. He's up to 17lb 2oz which means he's back in track. We have a playdate with some of our friends this week at a messy play. Cant wait for him to get all dirty and painted. He's better at socialising now and doesn't cry at the noise of other babies.
My new years resolution is to lose some weight. I'm very self conscious about my size and I'm hoping being out the house and back at work means I don't have time to sit and eat junk all the time. My biggest vice has to be Pepsi . I could drink it all day but I need to change. I've also started to make more of an effort with my makeup. Let's hope this year is the best year yet.
HAPPY NEW YEAR GUYS. thank you from reading my blog. Here's to an amazing 2016  x